Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, except it is caused by compression of the Ulna Nerve at the Elbow. As a result patients experience numbness affecting the small and ring fingers. Weakness and clawing of the hand may also occur in longstanding cases.
If you suffer from Cubital Tunnel Syndrome a Nerve Conduction Study will need to be performed. Surgery may be required to release the nerve and relieve the compression
Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
These 2 diseases are actually an inflammation of the muscles attaching to the humerus at the elbow. While not usually caused by golf or tennis, they result from repetitive activities E.g. Gym.
A cortisone injection and rest is usually all that is required to treat them but surgery may be required if this fails.
Similar to Tennis/Golfer’s elbow, inflammation can affect any of the muscles in the forearm. Tendinitis is caused by repetitive activities and often affects young, active patients. A cortisone injection and rest is usually all that is required to treat them but surgery may be required if this fails